The Millard county animal control in Delta, Utah has officially marked their county as a death camp for stray animals. According to witnesses Millard animal control workers are shooting animals that have been held for more than 72 hours. If they then run out of bullets, they run over them with trucks and dump their bodies into a sewage pit. This as you well know is animal cruelty and it is illegal.
The mayor Christie Tolbert believes that this is a fair and cost effective way to rid them of unwanted animals as she is not doing anything about it. Sounds to me like the mayors in this town should be called Führers. It is obvious by their actions that this county doesn’t have an animal loving government. The city of Delta which lies within the Millard county borders has a breed restriction ordinance their website states no pit bulls or hybrids allowed. Unfortunate and callous to ban a breed of no wrong doing on its own, but that is trained by the owner to be aggressive; just another stick in the mud for this county.
According to a press release from the mayor’s office, Christie Tolbert states that the animals are taken to a county contracted vet; the Gunnison Bend veterinary clinic in Delta, Utah. The Gunnison Bend clinic also holds a federal contract from the Bureau of Land Management or BLM. This small clinic reports earnings of $700,000 for 2009. This information comes directly from the FedSpending.org website.
Prior to writing this blog, I searched the web and found nothing pertaining to adopting one of these poor animals. There aren’t any photographs of pets available, nor an adoption location. Something isn't right about this town it just doesn't add up. These precious dogs and cats are doomed from the very start. Please take the time to share and sign the following petition and contact the Governor of Utah, Gary R. Herbert regarding these brutal murders.
Governor Gary R. Herbert
Email: http://governor.utah.gov/goca/form_comment.html
Read the FOX news report
*Update- The Gunnison Bend Veterinary Clinic states they do not have a contract with Hinckley Town and have no affiliation with them.
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