At one time Craigslist was a great place to place classified ads, have good discussions and meet new people. Then something happened. No longer is Craigslist such a happy place. There is constant fighting on the Tampa and Atlanta pet sections, bickering back and forth about anything and everything.
I tested Craigslist recently to see what would happen if I placed a pet posting for a dog that needs a home. I did not include an adoption fee in the listing only contact information for the shelter that was housing the pet. After waiting more than a half hour this ad never appeared online. Although you could edit the ad from your email link the actual posting was never able to be seen by the public. This has happened nine times out of ten. I tried a second time, only this time I created a posting for a pet cage that I wanted to sale. It appeared and stayed on Craigslist for two days, then flagged by craigslist. I have even tried to contact Craigslist to find out why this is happening; only to get an automated response telling you to check out their FAQs which are in the least bit helpful.
Craigslist as it appears has started only allowing postings through that they want. Not what the public wants. Their policy states no animal sales only animals needing to be re-homed. Ok. Then what is wrong with shelter animals? Why are they constantly getting flagged off or never allowed to appear. In some cities like Raleigh there are plenty of shelter pet listings, no problem there. Is it because the moderator for Raleigh likes animals? Possibly and hopefully, those are just my thoughts.........
Check out http://www.kijiji.com
This is a free classifieds site that is worldwide and is yet to flag any ads placed (at least for the animals). Kudos to you Kijiji and welcome to the United States.
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