The USDA banned the use of padded shoes, chains and any type of soring to protect Tennessee Walking Horses from further anguish and abuse. However, before trump could even make it to the inaugural ball, he and mcconnell ensured that the new Federal law would NOT get published in the Federal Register January 24, 2017. Sign the petition for the horses and read new updates.
The fact is that trump and mcconnell are true haters of all animals! That is a FACT NOT AN OPINION.
The Federal law has been a something that millions of people have been pushing to get passed for decades. Then finally it happens, and it was the most exciting moments I have experienced in a very long time. Only to have it shot down by the biggest idiot ever to walk the face of this earth, trump. Fake trainers used seriously unscrupulous techniques to get a Tennessee Walking Horse to do a fake movement called the big lick. They are forced to lift their front legs up very high and outward. This is NOT how this horse or any other is meant to move. The big lick is man's doing. I call them fake trainers because a real trainer would never treat a horse in this manner. I have been training horses for 40 years and would never even think of harming one of those angels for any reason. Horses are my best friends, and you don't hurt your best friends.
To get a horse do this, you must put caustic chemicals just below the ankle, around the pasterns, basically in all the tender areas of a horse's lower leg located just above the hoof. Some more sadistic trainers will make a small cut before pouring the chemicals on the horse. It is then wrapped tightly with plastic wrap and again with a standard leg wrap to hide what has been done. The plastic wrap causes the chemicals to heat up dramatically intensifying the pain. Common chemicals used are blistering agents like diesel fuel, mustard seed, kerosene, salicylic acid, Methyl salicylate, o-amino azo toluene (highly carcinogenic, causes extreme irritation and is highly flammable). They also use some products to mask the smell of the chemicals at inspections during show competitions like Methyl salicylate, commonly used in deep heating liniments such as BenGay. However, it is highly toxic in large doses, and if used in excess can cause burning and irritation to the skin. It even resulted in the death of a 17-year-old cross-country runner at Notre Dame Academy. She died April 3, 2007, after her body absorbed high levels of methyl salicylate through excessive use of topical muscle pain relief products. Another is Camphor that's an ingredient in Vick's vapor rub that is used to numb the horse's legs before entering the show ring. Then wears off before the class begins. Note that this is a VERY short list of chemicals that are used for the big lick.
On top of the chemicals that burn the skin right off, they are forced to wear large stacked pads on their front feet. These pads along with the shoes and nails can weigh up to 15 pounds each! Chains are also added around the ankle to give more weight, and it is supposed to encourage the horse to pick its feet up to try to get the chain off. Meanwhile, the chain is banging up against the horse's ankle, pasterns and hoof wall where the caustic chemicals are burning like a wildfire with every step. Some evil farriers will strategically place nails inside the pads that protrude into the horse's foot. Then when weight it applied to the foot the nails press into the sole. The sole, comparable to a humans arch, is the most tender part of the horse's foot, and inspectors can not see the nails without an x-ray machine.
To put this into perspective— imagine you are being chased by a serial killer. While running for your life, you accidentally run through a pile of nails that fell out of a truck. Not thinking you land on the nails and one goes into each of your feet. Each nail stabs you directly in the center of your arches. You have no way to remove them and must keep running as fast as possible, and with every step, the pain deepens and intensifies for miles. The only difference is that you have not had your feet and ankles burned with caustic chemicals continuously for months or years, nor are you wearing platform shoes that weigh 15 pounds each or weighted chains around your ankles. A Tennessee Walking Horse also weighs between 1000-1500 pounds, plus the weight of the rider and saddle (200 lbs) Hence the amount of pressure applied to the nail is up to 175 times harsher (if you weighed 100 lbs). Not a pretty picture is painted just thinking about the demonic torture the so-called trainers, owners, and riders do to these horses. All in the name of a blue ribbon from a competition that is known as a "Celebration." They play upbeat organ music as the horses shuffle around the ring in agonizing pain and terror that makes you sick to your stomach. You can see it in their eyes, 'help me, please, help me". It is a silent scream from majestic horses that have had their spirits broken and their hearts ripped out of their chest.
Similar to all the little pageant girls like the beloved Jon Bennett Ramsey that are unwillingly made to wear more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker, and placed in costumes more suitable for ladies of the evening than children. Just to be paraded around a stage for pedophiles and a possible trophy by their questionable parents. There is nothing about such a pageant or a Tennessee Walking Horse show (with classes for padded horses) that is celebratory. The one thing these two competitors share in common is that they are expendable. Sad doesn't even cover the dark side or either of those worlds.
Which brings me to how the majestic Tennessee Walking horses are stabled, how do they live? When you think of racing Thoroughbreds, you think of multi-million dollar barns with chandeliers and fancy nameplates on the stalls. They are turned out into paddocks to stretch their legs, buck, and kick and well just be a horse. Even the million dollar stallions get to partake in this incredible adventure. Yes, for horses being turned out into a pasture is indeed an adventure.
However, that is not the case for the great 'big lick' Tennessee Walking Horses. They don't live in fancy barns with crystal chandeliers to light up their space. Instead, they are stabled in unusually dark barns and cannot ever have the pleasure of being a horse. They stay in their dark stalls 24 hours a day unless being trained. The stacked aka padded shoes prevent them from ever being turned out into a paddock or pasture on their own. The pads can be dangerous to the horse if they try to run and play (although most wouldn't be due to the intense pain) Therefore, they never get to be a horse. They never get a day without pain. They never know what love is.
The horses live in complete darkness so that once they do go out in the daylight, the panic sets in and creates an animated look that trainers love. The distressed horses are utterly terrified of everything around them. For they have only known their stalls and the darkness within.
Look into the eyes of the big lick horses in the show ring in videos and photos. You can see that fear right there in the whites of their eyes, the shaking, profuse sweating and they are unable to stand still, due to pain and anxiety. This is not something you will see at a regular horse show.
Please take the time to watch the ABC News Report on the Tennessee Walking Horse soring practices. It will open your eyes to a new hell on earth. I know it's not easy to watch, but it is a must see for everyone.
Also watch directly on Youtube Here:
The following video was made in 2014 and aired on the tv show Dateline and is an excellent video explaining what judges look for and how to get that look.
Also available here:
At the training stables the trainers or shall I say, sadistic nuts, increase the fear to get more animation with the use of fireworks and firecrackers, plastic bags on sticks, aluminum soda cans strung on a metal hanger that is shaken at them while being ridden, etc. The horses are so scared it amazes me that they don't have heart attacks. I am sure they have, and no one says a word. As mentioned earlier these horses are expendable.
It is abominable and barbaric to even think about what these big lick horses go through every day much less having to live it. The evil bastards like trump and mcconnell could have been heroes for the animals and would have gained a tremendous amount of support from an unfathomable amount of people who never would have voted for him. Instead, they are making the horses and all animals suffer more with every pathetic, idiotic and retarded decision they make. Of course, as may have already known, mcconnell and trump both are pro-horse slaughter or rather pro slaughter of any living thing, including people, but that is another blog post. Animals mean nothing to these evil monsters. Just look at trump's kids, they are murderers of endangered animals, even his daughter is a fur wearing hag. They laugh about it and believe they are the crème de la crème. HA! They probably couldn't even spell it till they read this post.
We here at Animal Welfare Reports know that anyone who voted for trump couldn't ever call themselves animal lovers because they are not. It was very clear what his agenda for animals was way before the day of voting. And guess what trump voters? He now wants to get rid of the clean air act! Remove some animals from the endangered species act and has already given his blessing and did it with an executive order on January 24, 2017, to the destructive Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines to start drilling for oil. He knew Congress would never let it happen as President Obama blocked it as he should. trump is already tarnishing America. And now trump is putting individuals who hate animals and do whatever it takes to make them suffer in the highest seats like sonny perdue another pro slaughter, anti-animal monster. Who he's made the secretary of agriculture (What a joke that is!).
The poor innocent animals have no voice; they are victims of extreme violence. They are victims just because they are animals. They are victims because they cannot speak for themselves. The animals remain in silence, terrified of what is to come next. They are awaiting the day they are murdered. For the animals, it is the only freedom they have from the evil that humans are doing. There is no such thing as humane slaughter, abuse or pain-free caustic chemicals. Nor is there such a thing as an animal lover who eats animals or an animal lover that buys products containing animal ingredients or is tested on animals. They do not exist.
True animal lovers love all animals and do whatever it takes to help them and protect them from harm and abuse. Now more than ever, the animals need our help. Please understand that we are their only voice. Please stand up and do what is right, help them. Tell everyone you know what is going on. The more people know, the faster the horrors animals go through will cease.
Please, Google trump animals environment. Then click tools above the search bar after the search is returned and on the left click 'anytime' and select the past week for most recent stories. You will see straight away how he is single-handedly destroying everything that millions of people have been working on for decades to protect. That includes the animals, the environment, and our livelihood. Three things trump couldn't care less about in his tiny little world.
It is funny what having a little penis will make men do. That explains everything.
The news has already stated that the Republicans are planning on impeaching him. He has over 3000 open lawsuits and still operates businesses. Never turned over his tax returns and is about to be hung as he should be. Please share this posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, —everywhere. The people must know the truth, and you can be the one to deliver. Stand up for America, the animals, our planet and ourselves. Kick him out!
**FOOTNOTE: The names trump and mcconnell were purposely not capitalized. They do not deserve capitalization and trump certainly is not my president.
#notmypresident #trump #animals #twh #horses #agriculture #whitehouse #impeach #help #impeachtrumpnow
Please follow my blog for more stories to come. I am back from a long hiatus. ;-)
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The fact is that trump and mcconnell are true haters of all animals! That is a FACT NOT AN OPINION.
The Federal law has been a something that millions of people have been pushing to get passed for decades. Then finally it happens, and it was the most exciting moments I have experienced in a very long time. Only to have it shot down by the biggest idiot ever to walk the face of this earth, trump. Fake trainers used seriously unscrupulous techniques to get a Tennessee Walking Horse to do a fake movement called the big lick. They are forced to lift their front legs up very high and outward. This is NOT how this horse or any other is meant to move. The big lick is man's doing. I call them fake trainers because a real trainer would never treat a horse in this manner. I have been training horses for 40 years and would never even think of harming one of those angels for any reason. Horses are my best friends, and you don't hurt your best friends.
To get a horse do this, you must put caustic chemicals just below the ankle, around the pasterns, basically in all the tender areas of a horse's lower leg located just above the hoof. Some more sadistic trainers will make a small cut before pouring the chemicals on the horse. It is then wrapped tightly with plastic wrap and again with a standard leg wrap to hide what has been done. The plastic wrap causes the chemicals to heat up dramatically intensifying the pain. Common chemicals used are blistering agents like diesel fuel, mustard seed, kerosene, salicylic acid, Methyl salicylate, o-amino azo toluene (highly carcinogenic, causes extreme irritation and is highly flammable). They also use some products to mask the smell of the chemicals at inspections during show competitions like Methyl salicylate, commonly used in deep heating liniments such as BenGay. However, it is highly toxic in large doses, and if used in excess can cause burning and irritation to the skin. It even resulted in the death of a 17-year-old cross-country runner at Notre Dame Academy. She died April 3, 2007, after her body absorbed high levels of methyl salicylate through excessive use of topical muscle pain relief products. Another is Camphor that's an ingredient in Vick's vapor rub that is used to numb the horse's legs before entering the show ring. Then wears off before the class begins. Note that this is a VERY short list of chemicals that are used for the big lick.
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A horse owned by a chronic horse abuser Larry Weelon. Fully wrapped with pads, chains,and duct tape. Read that story on the Dodo Here: |
On top of the chemicals that burn the skin right off, they are forced to wear large stacked pads on their front feet. These pads along with the shoes and nails can weigh up to 15 pounds each! Chains are also added around the ankle to give more weight, and it is supposed to encourage the horse to pick its feet up to try to get the chain off. Meanwhile, the chain is banging up against the horse's ankle, pasterns and hoof wall where the caustic chemicals are burning like a wildfire with every step. Some evil farriers will strategically place nails inside the pads that protrude into the horse's foot. Then when weight it applied to the foot the nails press into the sole. The sole, comparable to a humans arch, is the most tender part of the horse's foot, and inspectors can not see the nails without an x-ray machine.
To put this into perspective— imagine you are being chased by a serial killer. While running for your life, you accidentally run through a pile of nails that fell out of a truck. Not thinking you land on the nails and one goes into each of your feet. Each nail stabs you directly in the center of your arches. You have no way to remove them and must keep running as fast as possible, and with every step, the pain deepens and intensifies for miles. The only difference is that you have not had your feet and ankles burned with caustic chemicals continuously for months or years, nor are you wearing platform shoes that weigh 15 pounds each or weighted chains around your ankles. A Tennessee Walking Horse also weighs between 1000-1500 pounds, plus the weight of the rider and saddle (200 lbs) Hence the amount of pressure applied to the nail is up to 175 times harsher (if you weighed 100 lbs). Not a pretty picture is painted just thinking about the demonic torture the so-called trainers, owners, and riders do to these horses. All in the name of a blue ribbon from a competition that is known as a "Celebration." They play upbeat organ music as the horses shuffle around the ring in agonizing pain and terror that makes you sick to your stomach. You can see it in their eyes, 'help me, please, help me". It is a silent scream from majestic horses that have had their spirits broken and their hearts ripped out of their chest.
Similar to all the little pageant girls like the beloved Jon Bennett Ramsey that are unwillingly made to wear more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker, and placed in costumes more suitable for ladies of the evening than children. Just to be paraded around a stage for pedophiles and a possible trophy by their questionable parents. There is nothing about such a pageant or a Tennessee Walking Horse show (with classes for padded horses) that is celebratory. The one thing these two competitors share in common is that they are expendable. Sad doesn't even cover the dark side or either of those worlds.
Which brings me to how the majestic Tennessee Walking horses are stabled, how do they live? When you think of racing Thoroughbreds, you think of multi-million dollar barns with chandeliers and fancy nameplates on the stalls. They are turned out into paddocks to stretch their legs, buck, and kick and well just be a horse. Even the million dollar stallions get to partake in this incredible adventure. Yes, for horses being turned out into a pasture is indeed an adventure.
However, that is not the case for the great 'big lick' Tennessee Walking Horses. They don't live in fancy barns with crystal chandeliers to light up their space. Instead, they are stabled in unusually dark barns and cannot ever have the pleasure of being a horse. They stay in their dark stalls 24 hours a day unless being trained. The stacked aka padded shoes prevent them from ever being turned out into a paddock or pasture on their own. The pads can be dangerous to the horse if they try to run and play (although most wouldn't be due to the intense pain) Therefore, they never get to be a horse. They never get a day without pain. They never know what love is.
The horses live in complete darkness so that once they do go out in the daylight, the panic sets in and creates an animated look that trainers love. The distressed horses are utterly terrified of everything around them. For they have only known their stalls and the darkness within.
Look into the eyes of the big lick horses in the show ring in videos and photos. You can see that fear right there in the whites of their eyes, the shaking, profuse sweating and they are unable to stand still, due to pain and anxiety. This is not something you will see at a regular horse show.
Please take the time to watch the ABC News Report on the Tennessee Walking Horse soring practices. It will open your eyes to a new hell on earth. I know it's not easy to watch, but it is a must see for everyone.
The following video was made in 2014 and aired on the tv show Dateline and is an excellent video explaining what judges look for and how to get that look.
At the training stables the trainers or shall I say, sadistic nuts, increase the fear to get more animation with the use of fireworks and firecrackers, plastic bags on sticks, aluminum soda cans strung on a metal hanger that is shaken at them while being ridden, etc. The horses are so scared it amazes me that they don't have heart attacks. I am sure they have, and no one says a word. As mentioned earlier these horses are expendable.
It is abominable and barbaric to even think about what these big lick horses go through every day much less having to live it. The evil bastards like trump and mcconnell could have been heroes for the animals and would have gained a tremendous amount of support from an unfathomable amount of people who never would have voted for him. Instead, they are making the horses and all animals suffer more with every pathetic, idiotic and retarded decision they make. Of course, as may have already known, mcconnell and trump both are pro-horse slaughter or rather pro slaughter of any living thing, including people, but that is another blog post. Animals mean nothing to these evil monsters. Just look at trump's kids, they are murderers of endangered animals, even his daughter is a fur wearing hag. They laugh about it and believe they are the crème de la crème. HA! They probably couldn't even spell it till they read this post.
We here at Animal Welfare Reports know that anyone who voted for trump couldn't ever call themselves animal lovers because they are not. It was very clear what his agenda for animals was way before the day of voting. And guess what trump voters? He now wants to get rid of the clean air act! Remove some animals from the endangered species act and has already given his blessing and did it with an executive order on January 24, 2017, to the destructive Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines to start drilling for oil. He knew Congress would never let it happen as President Obama blocked it as he should. trump is already tarnishing America. And now trump is putting individuals who hate animals and do whatever it takes to make them suffer in the highest seats like sonny perdue another pro slaughter, anti-animal monster. Who he's made the secretary of agriculture (What a joke that is!).
The poor innocent animals have no voice; they are victims of extreme violence. They are victims just because they are animals. They are victims because they cannot speak for themselves. The animals remain in silence, terrified of what is to come next. They are awaiting the day they are murdered. For the animals, it is the only freedom they have from the evil that humans are doing. There is no such thing as humane slaughter, abuse or pain-free caustic chemicals. Nor is there such a thing as an animal lover who eats animals or an animal lover that buys products containing animal ingredients or is tested on animals. They do not exist.
True animal lovers love all animals and do whatever it takes to help them and protect them from harm and abuse. Now more than ever, the animals need our help. Please understand that we are their only voice. Please stand up and do what is right, help them. Tell everyone you know what is going on. The more people know, the faster the horrors animals go through will cease.
Please, Google trump animals environment. Then click tools above the search bar after the search is returned and on the left click 'anytime' and select the past week for most recent stories. You will see straight away how he is single-handedly destroying everything that millions of people have been working on for decades to protect. That includes the animals, the environment, and our livelihood. Three things trump couldn't care less about in his tiny little world.
It is funny what having a little penis will make men do. That explains everything.
The news has already stated that the Republicans are planning on impeaching him. He has over 3000 open lawsuits and still operates businesses. Never turned over his tax returns and is about to be hung as he should be. Please share this posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, —everywhere. The people must know the truth, and you can be the one to deliver. Stand up for America, the animals, our planet and ourselves. Kick him out!
**FOOTNOTE: The names trump and mcconnell were purposely not capitalized. They do not deserve capitalization and trump certainly is not my president.
#notmypresident #trump #animals #twh #horses #agriculture #whitehouse #impeach #help #impeachtrumpnow
Please follow my blog for more stories to come. I am back from a long hiatus. ;-)