Dogs on Death Row
Did you know that the United States alone kills over four million cats and dogs a year! Why? You ask, because of careless owners and breeders. The pet overpopulation problem is huge, so huge that every minute of every hour in every day about 50-75 kittens or puppies are born. That equals out to 3000-4500 every hour! There are not enough homes for all of them. That is a fact. The only possible way to stop this endless breeding is to require by law that every dog or cat be spayed or neutered. Responsible breeders should be required to purchase breeding certificates for each pet they have per year; that isn’t spayed or neutered. Those who do not spay or neuter would be fined heavily or could get jail time. Fines or jail time should also be imposed on those who dump their pets in the streets. Make the penalties stiff that is what is needed. Why are people so careless about their pets? Why do they allow all the killings to go on? Well one reason is that so many people want to breed their own dog or cat and their only reason is to get a duplicate of their current beloved pet. So what happens to the others in the litter? Most will end up in a local animal shelter on death row with the countless others.
Each shelter pet has a story; isn’t anyone listening to them? Do their stories not matter? Visit your local shelter and look at each animal in the eyes and ask, “Why are you here.” No words will be spoken but, you will see it in each and every one of their eyes the heartbreak they feel and the sadness they have in their hearts. Then ask yourself is breeding or being careless worth it. I think not.